Religious Song Of Mirabai
Terrified am I at the sight of the dark clouds……..Terrified am I at the sight of the dark clouds,I am frightened seeing them.How these black and yellow clouds riseand rain!Whithersoever I go, the place...
View ArticleRajasthani Painting
Rajasthani painting occupies its own historical place in Indian painting. From the time of its origin it emerged and flourished and has been part of the continuing traditional wave of painting in India...
View ArticleRajput Painting in the Punjab Hills
Unlike the widely scattered courts of Rajasthan, the numerous minor Rajput kingdoms of the Himalayan foothills were clustered in an area only three hundred miles long by a hundred wide. Although they...
View ArticlePainting Gallery of Babur Nama
A MARKET SCENE AT KAND-E-BADAM, WEIGHING AND TRANSPORT OF ALMONDS Artist, Sur Das Baburdescribes Farghana, its principal towns, villages and rivers in Section I of the Bc7bur Nc7ma. Andijan was its...
View ArticleIntroduction to Dharma
The aim of the Hindu being to break this chain of birth and rebirth that binds him to the earth, the first step to be taken on this path is for each one to perform well his own dharma or righteous...
View ArticleIntroduction to Early Pandya, Seventh to Ninth Century A.D.
Like the Pallava king Mahendravarman, who was converted by Appar, the older contemporary of Tirujnanasam-bandar, Arikesari Parankusa, the Pandyan king, was re-claimed from Jainism by the saint,...
View ArticleDhundar school Paintings
In ancient times the regions in and around Jaipur were known as Dhundar. Most parts of Alwar, Jaipur, Shekhawati are still called Dhundar Pradesh. Some scholars are of the opinion that this province...
View ArticleThe Gospel of Love "Mirabai"
The wild tale of pathos shall ever remain writ large on the Temple of Love. She lived on tears and she slept on tears: this shall be the language of love in which Mira will go down to posterity. This...
View ArticleIntroduction to Status of Women
The status of women also in early Hindu society was an enviable one. Women so inclined could avail of the highest learning and there were many seers and philosophers like Maitreyi, Gargi, Vishavara,...
View ArticleMughal Emperor Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century A.D.
To understand this school in its proper perspective, the traditions in which it has its roots should be considered. The source of Mughal painting was Persian. The art of Persia was greatly influenced...
View ArticleKangra Paintings
THE RADIANT BEAUTY Bihar' has described female beauty in many of his verses. But none excels the dohei given below, which the Kangra artist has illustrated in this painting. In the music of its words,...
View ArticleIntroduction to Asavari Ragini
Asavari Ragini is a somber melody of the early morning, generally considered to be a wife of Sri Raga. The name is taken from that of the Savaras, an ancient jungle tribe renowned for its...
View ArticleHoysala Emperor Eleventh to Thirteenth Century A.D.
With their name derived from an incident narrated about their ancestor Sala, who was called upon by a sage to kill a tiger, 'Poysala' (strike Sala), the Hoysalas were a dynasty of rulers in western...
View ArticleThe Doctraine of Sabda
In the beginning was the soul merged in the Lord and with the Lord. But since then aeons have passed and the soul has left its abode of peace, where it lay wrapped in bliss. The ignorance persisting...
View ArticleChola Emperor Ninth to Thirteenth Century A.D.
In the ninth century, the Cholas regained power, when Vijayalaya established himself in the area round about Tanjavur. Aditya and Parantaka, the son and grandson of Vijayalaya, were great...
View ArticleOn Initaion
By the Hindu or Buddhist devotees, the pattern of intentional language is viscerally understood; though none but the scholars among them could or would hazard speculations about the origins of...
View ArticleThe Cultural Background
To understand any great art, one has to view it as an organism with its own soul, forms of expression and conventions. Art is the symbol of the culture to which it belongs, acquiring its style of...
View ArticleTantric Terminology
I do not think that a whole chapter on terminology in the early portions of this book rather than as an appendix requires any justification; nor is it due to the author's linguistic-analytical slant in...
View ArticleMarwar School Painting
After the Mewar school, the grandeur of the Marwar school of painting is well expressed in the Jodhpur style, the Bikaner style and the world-famed Kishangarh style as well as in the substyles of...
View ArticleZehir-ed-Din Muhammad Babur
Zehir-ed-Din Muhammad Babur was born on February 14, 1483 in Andijan in Farghana. This place is in Uzbekistan, a Central Asian Republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. His father Umar...
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